RUSSKA83 31 years from Wokingham

What am I looking for here??? ... shortness of breath from excitement, palpitations to the point of throat, absolute loss of appetite, extreme insomnia, total stomach ache from laughter, someone with to whom I can exuberantly organize a pillow fight, that annoys me because I never use the toothpaste tube properly expressions, someone who is passionate about me who still stands by me even if I be make a mistake, someone who, like me, is just as concerned about can look forward to small attentions, someone for whom "Crazy" isn't crazy enough, someone with whom I can go shopping, for whom a party is just as exciting is like a cozy evening at home, with red wine, at Candlelight, someone who misses me, even though I'm just I'm out the door, in short: someone who annoys me but also and makes me so crazy that it never gets boring!!
Location Wokingham
Age 31
Figure average
Eye color black
Hair color brown
Mobile Number 07*** 209 35*
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